Valida, Inc. © 2018. All rights reserved.
Your trusted partner for better profits
Fast-Changing Compeve Landscape
Faced with constantly growing compeon and evolving threats to brand loyalty and supply chains,
leading companies are forced to collect and analyze more data than ever. This trend is the big data
revoluon, but many soluons are built on old systems that do not provide a full picture of both customer
loyalty informaon and product protecon, or proacve interacon with both loyal and potenal
What is Valida?
Valida is a proprietary big data plaorm that allows collecon of real-me consumer informaon and
communicaon, and will provide consumer behavior, habits, and demographics to beer target sales and
markeng for valuable products. This is unparalleled in building brand trust and loyalty.
How is Valida Dierent?
Valida is a hyper secure and easy to implement product protecon system that lets you track your goods
through the supply chain and the point of sale:
Use real me sales data to gain compeve insights
Engage current and potenal customers by verifying product authencity and communicang oers
Increase customer sasfacon by tracking warranes, maintenance schedules, potenal recalls and
other important informaon about your product
Lower costs by avoiding expensive hardware soluons required by other big data analysis systems
Supply chain tracking
Customer management
Brand and prot
An-counterfeit and
fabricaon detecon
Big data reports
and analycs
What informaon does Valida technology provide you?
With Valida big data technology, you collect the following informaon based on the customer scanning of
product labels:
Product lifecycle tracking where, when, and by whom the products are consumed
Targeted communicaon to returning and potenal customers
Peace of mind through proved authencity of valuable and important purchases.
What is Valida technology?
Valida product authencaon and analycs uses a 100% proprietary and patent-pending mul-factor
algorithm. Our system uses blockchain technology to ensure a secure and permanent record of all product
entries and validaons. With blockchain technology there is no single point of failure, ensuring your data
is safe and cost-eecve. Manufactures and distributors are only required to label products with two
unique codes: a readable serial number and a hidden Valida key. Buyers then scan both codes using a
Valida mobile app, and our servers validate the product and return a detailed report along with any
relevant oers or instrucons. If the product is not authenc, customers can be referred to locaons
where a genuine product is available.
Unlike many compeve soluons, our algorithm is dicult to counterfeit and makes aempts easily
detectable. Our system also enables customers to have easy access to an inventory of all Valida veried
possessions along with relevant informaon.
Each package with unique
codes stored in customer
account is shipped
Manufacturer Distributor Customer
Package is tracked through the
enre distribuon chain
End user scans the package and
receives a validaon report
with customized informaon
Serial number Hidden
Product validaon results
and customer specic
The 2D codes allow customized data
collecon and product targeng,
prevenng fakes and idenfying
secondary sales
How big data helped big companies
Thomas H. Davenport and Jill Dyché described some of the great achievements of big data in their 2013
report, Big Data in Big Companies, including:
The business benets of Valida insights
Stascal Analysis System (SAS) Instute denes big data as the large volume of data – both structured
and unstructured – that inundates a business on a day-to-day basis.At Valida, we turn big data into
compeve insights.
Based on the 2017 Big Data Analycs Market Study from Dresner Advisory Services, the top three uses of
big data are warehouse opmizaon, customer/social analysis, and predicve maintenance.
Big data can benet companies in dierent ways, including:
Eciency improvement
Cost reducon
Fast decision-making
Product sale and market trend predicons
New product needs and development guidance
Customer service improvement
Fraud detecon
At Valida, our goal is to bring these advantages
together into a plaorm that allows direct customer communicaon and markeng.
UPS used big data to redesign their drivers
routes, saving $30 million in 2011 alone.
Using big data, Caesars Entertainment
analyzed service issues and targeted
mobile devices for real-me oers.
Bank of America now is able to analyze
data from its full customer base in real me
across mulple channels and variables.
Sears reduced the preparaon of a set of
complex markeng campaigns from 8
weeks to 1 week.
Fraud idencaon
Product fraud has been a serious problem in mulple industries, severely threatening brands and prots.
Knowledge Based Value (KBV) Research esmates the global market for fraud detecon and prevenon
will reach $42.6 Billion by 2023 at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 19.6%.
Get both big data and authencity idencaon in ONE Valida system
Manufacturer posts label
at minimal cost
Product is tracked throughout
the supply chain
Customers open hidden codes
and can easily verify
the authencity of items
in store or at home with a
simple mobile app
Manufacturers have the opportunity
To reach out and engage with customers
and vice versa
Working with Valida
With patent-pending technology that provides big data insights, direct customer communicaon and
fraud idencaon to protect brands and prots, Valida is seeking global collaboraons. We look for
business partners who trust and value Validas technology and will fully ulize Valida to grow their
revenue through customer engagement and reduce loss through brand protecon.
Once our collaboraon is established, Validas partners only need to register their products with Valida.
Valida will collect and analyze the data, and create customized interfaces for customer communicaon.
Fraud is surprisingly
prevalent in the wine
industry. Adulteraon,
counterfeing, and
relabeling are all
common wine frauds.
Wine fraud damages
brand reputaon and
erodes the prots of
good-meaning manufacturers and distributors.
Unfortunately, wine fraud detecon oen relies on
specialized knowledge and experience in paper staining
and other tricks used to create fake labels.
Simple and eecve fraud idencaon is needed to
ensure customers drink the quality they expect and brand
Wine and Alcohol
Counterfeit drugs make
up 10% of medicine
distributed worldwide
according to the World
Health Organizaon
(WHO), with esmated
revenue from $160 to
$270 billion. Half of
counterfeit drugs are
used in developing countries, and they harm innocent
paents who are already suering from life-threatening
diseases. PricewaterhouseCoopers reported counterfeit
drugs cause 1 million paentsdeath annually worldwide.
Idenfying and prevenng counterfeit pharmaceucals is
crical to both help paents and protect legimate
Luxury-brands can range
from jewelry to
electronics to high
fashion. Froner
Economics esmated
$82 billion of luxury-
branded product sales
were lost in 2015 due to
counterfeit goods,
especially for products sold online. Although soware
installed to scan the internet helps idenfy fake product
vendors, there is sll a long way to go to stop fake
products sold through other sales channels.
RFID tags, somemes used to migate this problem, are
costly and ineecve through a full supply chain and do
not help customers verify products for themselves.
Luxury Brands
As in other industries,
fraud in nutrion
products is also a
challenge for both brand
manufacturers and
These products are oen
purchased online due to
easy availability, but customers are not always able to
idenfy the right images on the internet or check for
authencity when they receive the products. The
notorious 2008 Chinese milk scandal impacted 300,000
babies, of which 54,000 were hospitalized and six died.
Nutrion Products
Why Valida?
Current technologies and
measures lack the combinaon of
an-counterfeing funcons—
detecon and deterrence, can be
easily duplicated or hacked,
require special equipment or
knowledge, and do not engage
customers eecvely if at all.
Our soluon is simple to
implement, adds trivial overhead
to the cost and me of producon,
and is hard to copy or hack. With
appropriate incenves for
customers to parcipate, such as
loyalty programs, brands using
Validas service know where their products are being used and gain an addional channel for
communicang directly with customers. This addional channel can be used in a number of ways,
including customer service, adversing, and more.
Valida, Inc.© 2018. All rights reserved. For business, contact
In summary, Valida oers a comprehensive and cost-eecve soluon for manufacturers and
distributors to protect their products while improving operaonal eciency and customer engagement.
We look forward to collaborang with future business partners.
and loyalty
product tracking
and database
Micro print
Costly to
Some use
risk engines
to advise
Overt product
Relies on