Working with Valida
With patent-pending technology that provides big data insights, direct customer communicaon and
fraud idencaon to protect brands and prots, Valida is seeking global collaboraons. We look for
business partners who trust and value Valida’s technology and will fully ulize Valida to grow their
revenue through customer engagement and reduce loss through brand protecon.
Once our collaboraon is established, Valida’s partners only need to register their products with Valida.
Valida will collect and analyze the data, and create customized interfaces for customer communicaon.
Fraud is surprisingly
prevalent in the wine
industry. Adulteraon,
counterfeing, and
relabeling are all
common wine frauds.
Wine fraud damages
brand reputaon and
erodes the prots of
good-meaning manufacturers and distributors.
Unfortunately, wine fraud detecon oen relies on
specialized knowledge and experience in paper staining
and other tricks used to create fake labels.
Simple and eecve fraud idencaon is needed to
ensure customers drink the quality they expect and brand
Wine and Alcohol
Counterfeit drugs make
up 10% of medicine
distributed worldwide
according to the World
Health Organizaon
(WHO), with esmated
revenue from $160 to
$270 billion. Half of
counterfeit drugs are
used in developing countries, and they harm innocent
paents who are already suering from life-threatening
diseases. PricewaterhouseCoopers reported counterfeit
drugs cause 1 million paents’ death annually worldwide.
Idenfying and prevenng counterfeit pharmaceucals is
crical to both help paents and protect legimate
Luxury-brands can range
from jewelry to
electronics to high
fashion. Froner
Economics esmated
$82 billion of luxury-
branded product sales
were lost in 2015 due to
counterfeit goods,
especially for products sold online. Although soware
installed to scan the internet helps idenfy fake product
vendors, there is sll a long way to go to stop fake
products sold through other sales channels.
RFID tags, somemes used to migate this problem, are
costly and ineecve through a full supply chain and do
not help customers verify products for themselves.
Luxury Brands
As in other industries,
fraud in nutrion
products is also a
challenge for both brand
manufacturers and
These products are oen
purchased online due to
easy availability, but customers are not always able to
idenfy the right images on the internet or check for
authencity when they receive the products. The
notorious 2008 Chinese milk scandal impacted 300,000
babies, of which 54,000 were hospitalized and six died.
Nutrion Products